Thoughts about time
"Time is the substance of which I am made." (Jorge Luis Borges)
"Blessed is the mortal who does not waste a moment of fleeting life in remembering the past." (Henry Thoreau)
"Awareness of time is equal to: stress and burnout bodily and emotional ." (Shirley MacLaine)
"The future is that period of time in which our businesses prosper, our friends are true and our happiness is secure." (Ambrose Bierce)
"I wasted my time, now the time wastes me." (William Shakespeare)
"I never think in the future always comes too soon." (Albert Einstein)
"As we have nothing more precious than time, there is more generosity than to lose without taking it into account." (Marcel Jouhandeau)
Only time
Who can say
Where the road goes
Where the day flows
Only time
And who can say
If your love grows
As your heart chose
Only time
Who can say
Why your heart sighs
As your love flies
Only time
And who can say
Why your heart cries
When your love lies
Only time
Who can say
When the roads meet
That love might be
In your heart
And who can say
When the day sleeps
If the night keeps
All your heart
Night keeps all your heart
Who can say
If your love grows
As your heart chose
Only time
And who can say
Where the road goes
Where the day flows
Only time
Who knows - only time
Who knows - only time.
Sunday, December 25th,2011
If tomorrow never come...
(Johnny Welch)
"If for a moment God would forget that I am a puppet of cloth and give me a slice of life, probably I could not say everything I think, but definitely I could think everything I say.
I would give value things not for what they are worth, but what they mean.
I would sleep less, I would dream more, understanding that for each minute we close our eyes we lose sixty seconds of light.
I would walk when others stop, wake when others sleep ... and would listen when others talk ...
Always say what you feel and do what you think ...
Tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone, young or old.
Today may be the last time you see those you love.
So do not wait, do it today because if tomorrow never come, will surely regret the day you did not take time for a smile, a hug,
a kiss and you were too busy to grant a last wish.
Keep those you love near you, tell them to hear how much you need them and you love them and treat them well, take time to say 'sorry', 'forgive me', 'please', 'thank you' and all words of love you know.
Nobody will remember you for your secret thoughts ..."
(Samuel Ullman)
Youth is not a time of life;
it is a state of mind;
it is not a matter of rosy cheeks,
red lips and supple knees;
it is a matter of the will,
a quality of the imagination,
a vigor of the emotions;
it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.
Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity
of the appetite, for adventure over the love of ease.
This often exists in a man of sixty more than a body of twenty.
Nobody grows old merely by a number of years.
We grow old by deserting our ideals.
Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.
Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.
Whether sixty or sixteen,
there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonder,
the unfailing child-like appetite of what's next,
nd the joy of the game of living.
In the center of your heart and my heart
there is a wireless station;
so long as it receives messages of beauty,
hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the Infinite,
so long are you young.
When the aerials are down,
and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism
and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old,
even at twenty, but as long as your aerials are up,
to catch the waves of optimism,
there is hope you may die young at eighty.
Another version of ourselves ... The mirror of relationships(Based on texts by Deepak Chopra)
Another version of ourselves
The mirror of relationships
Time ago, while I was looking for some texts of Deepak Chopra, I found this written, very interesting and very spreaded at all mystical place that I visited, but the truth is, frankly, I think (I not saying all do) that they reproduce the text, because nobody have read a single book Chopra, and because there is often the subject of restrictive copyright prevents copying the full text of a particular book, so it is necessary that we first read at least one publication and we understand the whole thought of the author.
Then we will be able to judge.
It is very likely we not agree with the ideas in the whole literature of Chopra and we maybe stay us with that part with which we agree and we have understood, then, there, only there, we should write what we comprehensive , our own personal vision.
Many times I've posted a full article, and I made just a note about it, and because I can not (nor should I, I think) add neither brushstroke over the artwork, I only show it or I try to present it in best way (I confess that I have corrected some very slightly).
However, what is that we can do is elaborate them as to how we internalize us and we return to the outside, that we have fully understood.
We must admit that this author has sold millions of books and gives lectures and conferences for which he receives the corresponding honorariums (which is something perfectly correct) therefore does not need us to be agents of the press and propaganda: if we publish something, in relation with he, we intend to propose a new vision, taking his words, because it support him, his prestige and his publishing success.
Here I leave this post
We are all extensions of the universal energy field,
different views of a single entity.
This involves seeing everything in the world
to everyone in the world
and realize us that we're watching
another version of ourselves.
You and I are the same.
Everything is the same.
We are all mirrors of the other
and we must learn to see ourselves in the reflection of other people.
This is called the mirror of relationships.
Through the mirror of relationship, I find my "I" not circumscribed.
For this reason,
the development of relations
is the activity
most important of my life.
All I see around me
is an expression of myself.
Relationships are a tool for spiritual evolution
whose ultimate goal is unity in consciousness.
We are all inevitably part of the same universal consciousness,
but the real progress occur
when we begin to recognize that connection in our everyday lives.
Relationships are one of the most effective tools
to achieve unity in consciousness,
because we are always involved in relationships.
Think of the web of relationships that hold:
parents, children, friends, coworkers, love relationships.
All are essentially spiritual experiences.
When you're in love, romantic and deeply in love,
you have a sense of timelessness.
At that time, you are at peace with uncertainty.
You feel great, but vulnerable;
you feel closeness, but also vulnerability.
You are in transition, changing
but without fear.
You'll feel wonderful.
This is a spiritual experience.
Through the mirror of relationships, from each of them
we discover prolonged states of consciousness.
Both those we love and those for whom we feel rejection,
are mirrors of ourselves.
To whom we are attracted?
Toward people who have similar characteristics to ours,
but that's not all.
We want to be in their company
because subconsciously feel that doing so
we can manifest more of these characteristics.
Similarly, we feel rejection towards people
we reflect the characteristics that we deny in ourselves.
If you feel a strong negative reaction to someone
you can be sure that you and this person have common characteristics,
features that are not willing to accept.
If this is accepted for you , then this will do not bother you
When we recognize that we can see ourselves in others,
every relationship becomes a tool
for evolution of our consciousness.
Thanks to this evolution we experience extended states of consciousness.
The next time you feel attracted to someone, ask yourself what attracted you.
¿Beauty, grace, elegance, authority, power or intelligence?
Whatever it was,
be aware that this feature also flourishes in you.
If you pay attention to those feelings
you can start the process of becoming more fully yourself.
The same applies to those people to feel rejection.
By adopting more fully your true self
must understand and accept your less attractive features.
The essential nature of the universe is the coexistence of opposite values.
You can not be brave if you're not a coward on the inside;
can not be generous if you do not have a miser;
can not be virtuous unless you have the ability to act with malice.
We spend much of our lives denying the dark side
and completing projects in these dark features those around us.
Have you known people who attract
systematically his life to the wrong people?
those do not understand why it happens over and over,
year after year.
Not that they attract the darkness;
is that they are willing to adopt them in their own lives.
An encounter with a person you do not like is an opportunity
to accept the paradox of coexistence of opposites;
to discover a new side of you.
It is another step towards the development of your spiritual being.
The most enlightened of the world
accepts full potential of light and darkness.
When you're with someone who recognizes and endorses their negative traits,
you never feel judged.
This only happens when people see good and evil,
right and wrong,
and external characteristics.
When we are willing to accept
bright and dark sides of our being,
we can begin to heal ourselves and heal our relationships.
We are all multidimensional, omnidimensionales.
Everything that exists somewhere in the world also exists in us.
When we take these different aspects of our being,
recognize our connection with universal consciousness
and expand our personal awareness.
The characteristics that distinguish more clearly in the other
are present in us.
When we can see in the mirror of relationships
we begin to see our whole being.
This requires being at peace with our ambiguity
accept all aspects of ourselves.
We need to recognize at a deep level,
to have negative characteristics does not mean that we are imperfect.
Nobody has only positive features.
The presence of negative characteristics
it just means that we are complete;
thanks to this whole
we can more easily access our BEING universal,
not circumscribed.
Once you can see in others
will be much easier to contact them and
through that connection,
discover the consciousness of unity.
This is the power of the mirror of relationships.
Friday, July 29th
The Mirror of Relationships,
by Deepak Chopra
Once we recognize that the world is a projection of ourconsciousness, we also recognize that the only way tochange the world in a meaningful way is to bring about a shift in our own consciousness. The world is a mirror in every moment, in every situation, in every circumstance and in every relationship. Each of us inhabits a private world, though our private worlds are enmeshed with each other to create a consensual reality.
The mirror of relationships becomes an important tool for personal transformation and, ultimately, social change as well. There is one simple principle to follow: Those whom we love and are emotionally attracted to, and those whom we are distressed or repelled by emotionally, are both mirrors of our own self. We are attracted to those people in whom we find traits that we have and want more of, and we are repelled by those in whom we find traits that we deny in ourselves.
An exercise
Think of a person in your life, say, a beloved aunt or a public figure you find immensely admirable. Write down the traits that you find attractive in them. You possess these traits as well; you only need to actualize and manifest them more in your life. Similarly, write down the traits of a person who distresses you emotionally. He or she is definitely not the person you want to spend a weekend in Hawaii with.
Understand that these traits are contained in you also. They may not be obvious to you, but they are frequently obvious to others who know you well. These negative traits are brought to the surface when you are under stress. By becoming more aware of the traits we admire in others, we help augment and manifest those abilities in our own life. When we recognize that the characteristics that repel us in others are within us too, then we defuse the power which those shadow traits hold on us in that state of denial. We accept the wholeness of ourselves in compassion and create a different relationship than before.
Exercise in action
Years ago, I was confronted by a woman in a seminar who insisted on three hours of my time. I told her that, in the midst of all the other people’s needs here, it was impossible for me to give her that much of my personal time. She became furious and yelled, “Then why do you write books that say anything is possible?” She continued to verbally abuse me in front of the group.
Later, when I had a moment alone, I realized that, because of the situation’s emotional effect on me, I needed to take a closer look. I wrote down all the traits about her that bothered me. I listed: rudeness, impatience, anger and aggressiveness. I phoned my wife, told her what I was doing and asked if she ever noticed these traits in me. There was a long silence on the other end. In that moment, I realized that I, too, could display those unpleasant traits when under pressure.
Once I accepted that I possessed these traits, and accepted that I had both positive and negative qualities, I also accepted that the same was true of everyone else as well. We all are some combination of saint and sinner. This had two effects: I was less judgmental about myself and, in turn, I was also less judgmental of others. Recognition of our shared humanity, with all its various displays, brings forth compassion. From that time forward, my relationship with this woman dramatically improved. It wasn’t because I spoke or behaved differently, but because I was no longer radiating, even in subtle form, those unpleasant traits.
The world we experience is a projection of our consciousness, with all of these different positive and negative qualities. So, when we transform our consciousness through insight andcompassion, we change that projection of the world, and that means our experiences and relationships change as well.
Despite knowing the nature of a relationship, and how it is a mirror in every moment, I still find myself occasionally feeling personally offended or reacting with self-righteousness. However, I’ve noticed over the years that, even when I strongly disagree with people and dislike what they do, I have less and less of a dislike for them as individuals. I continue to find opportunities to learn how to separate disliking people’s actions from the people who perform those actions.
You and your mirror
This is slow, patient work but, over time, it has the cumulative effect of bringing more ease, comfort and spontaneity into every aspect of life. Don’t be so hard on yourself that you can’tchange yourself instantly.
A useful exercise is to bring to mind those people who elicit in you a strong emotional charge in one way or another. Write down all the positive and negative qualities that you have identified in them. (You may be attracted or repelled by a quality, but if there is no emotional charge associated with it, then it is not acting as a mirror for you.)
Mix up all these pieces of paper with the various qualities written on them, put them in a circle and, underneath that circle, write “that’s me.”
Say to yourself, “Thank you God for making me so interesting.”
The secret to accepting the world and changing it is to accept yourself as you are, right now, in all your diverse, contradictory splendor.
With that acceptance comes compassion and gratitude.
A change in relationships follows and, from that, change in the world follows automatically.
The victory of social justice and equality
The victory of social justice and equality
Although he was born in Falkirk, Scotland on Oct. 20, 1904, in some ways the Tommy Douglas Canadians know was born 10 years later in Winnipeg.
By then, his parents Tom and Anne had emigrated to Canada, and to a community that was becoming a focal point of the social gospel – a movement that fused Christianity with the struggle for social justice and greater equality.
Money was tight, and when a bone infection sent Tommy to hospital, the Douglas family couldn’t afford the treatment he needed.
He would have lost his leg if not for a visiting surgeon who offered to treat him if the surgeon’s students could observe.
The treatment saved Tommy’s leg – and planted the seed for his vision: universally accessible health care.
Tommy grew up knowing first-hand how hard parents often struggle to make ends meet.
He and his two younger sisters dropped in and out of school, taking part time jobs to make whatever contribution they could.
One of those jobs was as a paperboy.
And it was while he was delivering newspapers that Tommy Douglas watched RCMP officers firing into a crowd of striking workers, on June 1919 day that came to be known as Bloody Saturday – the violent end of the Winnipeg General Strike.
The Mounties shot two men dead and arrested the Douglas family’s pastor, J.S. Woodsworth.
While Tommy faced more than his share of hardship, he also found plenty of opportunities for fun.
He was an outgoing teenager, fond of taking small roles in vaudeville and performing monologues at family events.
A short, slight boy, Tommy took up boxing – perhaps preparing for the verbal sparring that would often mark his political career.
Then, in 1924, he enrolled in Brandon College, a liberal arts college run by the Baptist Church. He quickly took to the ideas of the social gospel, and found a lifelong friend in Stanley Knowles.
The Baptist church in Weyburn, a small community in Saskatchewan, brought both men out on a trial basis, and they preached on alternate Sundays.
When Tommy was ordained in 1930, the church offered him a permanent ministry.
Weyburn was just starting to feel the ravages of drought and economic depression. Douglas preached on Sundays, and spent the rest of the week running relief programs to help ease the growing hardship of local farmers and their families
The Making of a Politician
As the Great Depression tightened its grip on the country, communities like Weyburn suffered tremendously. Tommy Douglas knew that his relief efforts – while important – couldn’t provide a lasting answer to the difficulties families were facing.
He buried two young men who died because they couldn’t afford medical care, which only strengthened his belief that he could do more as a politician than from the pulpit.
In 1932, Tommy’s mentor and family pastor, J.S. Woodsworth, urged him to join the Saskatchewan Farmer Labour Party – soon to become the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation.
Woodsworth also brought Douglas together with fellow minister M.J. Coldwell, who would become a key ally and lifelong friend.
As the Great Depression tightened its grip on the country, communities like Weyburn suffered tremendously. Tommy Douglas knew that his relief efforts – while important – couldn’t provide a lasting answer to the difficulties families were facing.
He buried two young men who died because they couldn’t afford medical care, which only strengthened his belief that he could do more as a politician than from the pulpit.
In 1932, Tommy’s mentor and family pastor, J.S. Woodsworth, urged him to join the Saskatchewan Farmer Labour Party – soon to become the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation. Woodsworth also brought Douglas together with fellow minister M.J. Coldwell, who would become a key ally and lifelong friend.
Tommy ran unsuccessfully for a seat in the provincial legislature in 1934, but the next year voters sent him to Ottawa as one of the first CCF Members of Parliament.
That election launched a nine-year career as Weyburn’s M.P., throughout the rest of the Great Depression and much of the Second World War.
But it also led to one of the most painful moments of his political life.
Woodsworth, a committed pacifist, could not support Canada’s entry into the Second World War. That put him at odds with the rest of the CCF caucus – including Douglas.
Nearly blind and partly paralyzed from a recent stroke, Woodsworth still delivered an eloquent, impassioned speech to Parliament opposing Canada’s declaration of war… and Tommy held Woodsworth’s speaking notes up for his old mentor to read.
M.J Coldwell would go on to lead the national CCF.
And in 1942, Tommy Douglas resigned his seat in Parliament and took on Coldwell’s old job: leader of the Saskatchewan CCF.
Remaking Saskatchewan
In 1941, the Saskatchewan CCF lost its leader when George Williams resigned that post and his seat in the Legislature to enlist in the army. The party turned to Tommy Douglas to lead it – and it turned out to be one of the best decisions a political party has ever made.
On June 15, 1944, the CCF – which had never held power in the province – swept to victory under Tommy’s leadership, winning 47 of 53 seats. Saskatchewan had just elected the first social democratic government in North America – and Tommy Douglas began the first of five terms as the province’s Premier.
He faced powerful, wealthy opposition, yet Tommy’s government passed more than 100 bills during that first term. Just two years into their mandate, the CCF had eliminated the sales tax on food and meals and reduced the provincial debt by $20 million. While his opponents tried to tar him as a Communist and radical, the CCF under Tommy Douglas paved roads and brought electrical power (and the modern age) to the family farms of Saskatchewan. They improved health care, increased education spending and expanded the University of Saskatchewan to include a medical college.
Pensioners gained free medical, hospital and dental services; everyone gained free treatment for diseases like cancer, tuberculosis and mental illness. In 1947, Saskatchewan introduced universal access to hospitals for an annual fee of five dollars per person.
The CCF created new government departments such as Labour, Social Welfare and Co-operatives. The cabinet took a 28-per-cent pay cut to help pay the costs. A Crown Corporation Act allowed the creation of provincial air and bus lines; marketing boards for natural resources helped those industries grow and benefit rural communities. And SaskTel offered affordable phone service across Saskatchewan.
But it was Saskatchewan Power that had the biggest impact. In 20 years, the Crown corporation increased the number of rural homes hooked up to electrical power from only 300 to 65,000.
Meanwhile, the CCF improved working conditions, raised the minimum wage, established mandatory holidays, set workers’ compensation standards and set the stage for collective bargaining with the Trade Union Act and the creation of a labour relations board. Over four years, union membership more than doubled.
In just over a decade, the CCF administration – by encouraging economic diversification such as potash mining, steel production and petroleum exploration – oversaw the transformation of the province’s economy. Only one out of every five dollars of wealth created in Saskatchewan in 1944 came from somewhere other than agriculture; that proportion more than tripled by 1957.
But Tommy Douglas and his CCF team were also cautious financial managers. While Tommy wanted passionately to make medical care available to all, it wasn’t until 1959 that he decided Saskatchewan’s finances were healthy enough to sustain it.
He announced a plan that would cover every person in Saskatchewan, offering pre-paid, publicly-administered, high-quality health care. At the time, many doctors and their allies decried his medicare plan as dictatorial and vowed never to accept it; by the mid-1960s, it was such a success that Canada adopted it nationwide.
But by the time medicare was enacted in Saskatchewan in 1962, Tommy Douglas had stepped down as Premier. He wanted to take the success he’d had leading the province to a whole new level.
National Leadership
By the late 1950s, the national Cooperative Commonwealth Federation was in disarray.
While the party’s success in Saskatchewan was undeniable, the party’s national prospects seemed to be going from bad to worse.
Many of the CCF’s leading lights became convinced that only dramatic action would save the national party from oblivion.
Tommy Douglas was one of the architects of what was to be called the New Party: a formal partnership between the old CCF and the Canadian labour movement.
In 1961, he became its leader. (And the New Party gained a new name: the New Democratic Party.)
But his first federal election as a national leader was a difficult one.
The NDP won only 19 seats… and Tommy’s wasn’t one of them.
It was only by running in a by-election in the British Columbia riding of Burnaby-Coquitlam that Tommy returned to the House of Commons.
He won that seat two more times before being defeated in the Trudeaumania election of 1968; a few months later, he won a by-election in Nanaimo-Cowichan-The Islands.
The breakthrough that Tommy and the NDP had hoped for never materialized, but the party was able to steer Lester B. Pearson’s minority government in a more progressive direction.
Then, in 1970, the Trudeau government invoked the War Measures Act.
Tommy led the NDP caucus in opposing the act – a principled stand that carried a heavy political cost.
A year later, he stepped down as national leader, but stayed on in the House of Commons for eight more years.
Tommy Douglas spent his retirement years tending his land in the Gatineau Hills just north of Ottawa, but he remained a vocal, passionate presence in the NDP and in Canadian political life, especially on the subject of medicare.
He became a Companion of the Order of Canada in 1981.
And he was one of a handful of Canadians named to the Privy Council in 1984, when the Canadian constitution was patriated.
In 1986, Thomas Clement Douglas died of cancer in Ottawa.
He was named to the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame in 1998.
And in 2004, in a voted conducted by the CBC, Canadians elected him the Greatest Canadian of all time.
(From Tommy Douglas Research Institute)
Mouseland (As told by Tommy Douglas in 1944)
It's the story of a place called Mouseland. Mouseland was a place where all the little mice lived and played, were born and died. And they lived much the same as you and I do.
They even had a Parliament. And every four years they had an election. Used to walk to the polls and cast their ballots. Some of them even got a ride to the polls. And got a ride for the next four years afterwards too. Just like you and me. And every time on election day all the little mice used to go to the ballot box and they used to elect a government. A government made up of big, fat, black cats.
Now if you think it strange that mice should elect a government made up of cats, you just look at the history of Canada for last 90 years and maybe you'll see that they weren't any stupider than we are.
Now I'm not saying anything against the cats. They were nice fellows. They conducted their government with dignity. They passed good laws--that is, laws that were good for cats. But the laws that were good for cats weren't very good for mice. One of the laws said that mouseholes had to be big enough so a cat could get his paw in. Another law said that mice could only travel at certain speeds--so that a cat could get his breakfast without too much effort.
All the laws were good laws. For cats. But, oh, they were hard on the mice. And life was getting harder and harder. And when the mice couldn't put up with it any more, they decided something had to be done about it. So they went en masse to the polls. They voted the black cats out. They put in the white cats.
Now the white cats had put up a terrific campaign. They said: "All that Mouseland needs is more vision." They said:"The trouble with Mouseland is those round mouseholes we got. If you put us in we'll establish square mouseholes." And they did. And the square mouseholes were twice as big as the round mouseholes, and now the cat could get both his paws in. And life was tougher than ever. And when they couldn't take that anymore, they voted the white cats out and put the black ones in again. Then they went back to the white cats. Then to the black cats. They even tried half black cats and half white cats. And they called that coalition. They even got one government made up of cats with spots on them: they were cats that tried to make a noise like a mouse but ate like a cat.
You see, my friends, the trouble wasn't with the colour of the cat. The trouble was that they were cats. And because they were cats, they naturally looked after cats instead of mice.
Presently there came along one little mouse who had an idea. My friends, watch out for the little fellow with an idea. And he said to the other mice, "Look fellows, why do we keep on electing a government made up of cats? Why don't we elect a government made up of mice?" "Oh," they said, "he's a Bolshevik. Lock him up!"
So they put him in jail.
But I want to remind you: that you can lock up a mouse or a man but you can't lock up an idea.
(From :
Notes compiled by Ven. Sangye Khadro from several teachings of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition
Envy is a mental factor that due to attachment to the material achievements, or the overvalued respect, is unable to bear the good things that have the others.
What is wrong with envy?
- Disturbs our mind, and it makes us feel miserable and can lead to hatred and resentment
- You can destroy relationships
- Can lead to slander or speak ill of others or even harm them
- The others will lose their respect for us and they to feel pity or they will dislike for us
- Leads us to create negative karma, and as such to experience suffering in the future
- Destroy our virtue and the good things we have
- Is an obstacle to spiritual development and for our ultimate objective of liberation and enlightenment.
Antidote for Envy
1) Reflect on that envy us only causes damage, for example, we feel miserable while everyone else is happy.
2) Remember karma as the law of cause and effect.
Everything happens for reasons and conditions and therefore if someone has something and you do not have, it is because the other were created the causes and you have not done. But you can begin now to create the cause, for you to have, such thing in the future.
3) Practice the joy
Feeling happy and feel admiration for the virtues, good deeds, good qualities and happiness of others. By doing this, our mind will be happy and will create lot of merit or virtue.
4) If you feel envy for things like wealth, intelligence, power, position, attractive figures, etc., Then ask yourself: "If I were them, would be truly happy? Will last forever and I can trust them? Learn to be satisfied with what you have and your being as it is.
5) Cultivate loving kindness.
Loving-kindness is wanting others to be happy. If you honestly can generate this feeling then we are very happy and envious when someone lives which is good.
6) When jealousy arises in a relationship
For example, your friend or loved one is giving attention or devoting time to
someone else it is better to try to speak it, but without rage! Maybe there is a hidden problem (the other person might be angry at you for something you did and behaves in this way to be at par). Try to solve the problem with a sincere heart to heart communication.